30 Day Juice Fast - Daily Journal, Symptoms, Results and Tips

After watching "Jason Vale - Super Juice Me!" documentary, Mike and I decided we needed to give juicing a try. And not just a "try" but a 30 day try. After years of living an acidic lifestyle of too much partying, alcohol, protein shakes and animal products, we knew it was time to give our systems a break and do a major detox.

Mike went out the very next day and bought a juicer. After doing some research, I sent Mike out to get the
Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor. Mike came home, instead, with the upgraded version, the Breville BJE430SIL The Juice Fountain Cold. This juicer is actually endorsed by Joe Cross from Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. The upgraded version had a titanium grinder (instead of stainless steel). It also had a huge 3" opening, in which one could juice entire apples and oranges. The pitcher conveniently holds 70 ounces of juice, which is an entire day's supply of juice for one of us.

Bentonite Clay
We have already started detoxing our bodies prior to  starting the juice cleanse. We had both transitioned into a 100% Vegan on Easter Sunday. And the two weeks leading up to the juice detox, Mike and I underwent a bentonite clay/psyllium husk cleanse. When doing this type of internal clay cleanse, always buy organic bentonite clay and psyllium husk.

It's always good to load up on the fiber and start eating a bit healthier before a juice cleanse. You will not be consuming any fiber during the cleanse and bowel movements can be troublesome if you don't have enough fiber in your system.

Psyllium Husk
Here is a day by day breakdown of the fast. We supplemented the fast with at least 2 hemp protein shakes (hemp protein and plant milk) a day to prevent hair and
muscle loss. During the last week of the fast, we also added a vegetable broth to the fast to up our sodium intake.

Juicing Detox Daily Notes
May 26th
Day 1
Mike's Starting Weight: 175
Lisa's Starting Weight: 120
Mike's waist measurement: 34
Lisa's waist measurement: 28
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Symptoms: slight fever, bad breath, white coated tongue

SpaVerde Natural Boar Bristle Body Brush
Day 2
Lisa's weight: 118.6
Lisa's exercise routine: abs
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Lisa did dry brushing and hot/cold lymph stimulating shower
Symptoms: bad breath, slight fever, white coated tongue

Day 3
Lisa's weight 116.6
Lisa's exercise routine: arms
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Lisa did dry brushing and hot/cold immersion from hot tub to pool
Lisa had her first bm (tiny rabbit pellet)
Symptoms: Lisa started spotting 4 days before her period, white coated tongue

Organic hemp protein
Day 4
Lisa's weight 116.6
Lisa's workout routine: legs
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Dry brushing with hot/cold immersion
Added aloe to juice to help with bm
Lisa had big bm.

Day 5
Lisa's weight: 116
Mike's weight: 171
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Lisa had some period cramping

Day 6
Lisa's weight: 115.8
Mike's weight: 170.5
Morning routine: Wim Hoff breathing/meditation
Symptoms: tired and feverish

Day 7
Lisa's weight: 115.2
Mike's weight 170.5

Day 8
Lisa's weight: 115.8

Day 9
Lisa's weight: 114.8
Dry brushing, cold/hot lymph stimulating shower
Symptoms: pimples on bottom of butt

Day 10
Lisa's weight: 114.8

Day 11
Lisa's weight: 115.2
Symptoms: bad taste in mouth, dry mouth, pimples on face/butt, diarrhea

Day 12
Lisa's weight: 114
Symptoms: Mike's old scar tissue on foot hurt bad, dry mouth

Day 13
Lisa's weight: 114.8

Juicing For Beginners
Day 14
Lisa's weight: 113.8
Symptoms: dizzy spells

Day 15
Lisa's weight: 114

Day 16
Lisa's weight: 114

Day 17
Lisa's weight: 113.6

Day 18
Lisa's weight: 113.2

Day 19
Lisa's weight: 112.4

Day 20
Lisa's weight: 112.4
25.5 inch waist

Day 21
Lisa's weight: 111.6
Added vegetable broth because of severity of dizzy spells
Symptoms: scratchy throat, mucus
Day 26
Lisa's weight: 110.8

Day 27
Lisa's weight: 109.8
Mike's weight: 162.2

Day 28
Lisa's weight: 109.8
Mike's weight: 160

There were a lot of surprising results from this juice detox. The most surprising, perhaps, was the early onset of Lisa's menstrual cycle. Her cycle is nearly always 30 days long. The fast caused her to start her cycle nearly 4 days early. After doing some research, this is very common among women doing a hard reset with a juice cleanse. When done properly, the juice cleanse resets your body's hormone levels back to its original and optimal levels. A lot of women have reported increased fertility and lighter period symptoms during and after this cleanse.

Now, for some TMI . . . Some people might wonder if you would have bowel movements at all during this cleanse. After all, all you're drinking is juice. Mike had pretty steady bowel movements of various, sometimes skipping a day but, mostly, going a couple of times a day. Lisa generally had bowel movements every other day, with her first bm 4 days into the cleanse. These bms are said to be the colon cleaning itself of any old fecal matter still left from previous meals. We had gone through a two week bentonite clay/psyllium husk cleanse prior to the cleanse, so we were pretty cleaned out before the juice cleanse. I know... that's a lot of poo talk. But bms are important. One thing we did notice is the bms were really stinky and kinda messy. This might have to do with mixing fruit juices with vegetable juices, since fruit juices metabolize quicker than vegetable juices. If this becomes a problem for you, you can try drinking just fruit juice by itself and vegetable juice by itself.

Tips for Success:
Yes, fresh juice is best. The longer a juice sits, the fewer live enzymes are left in the juice. However, juicing is messy and the juicers have to be cleaned thoroughly each time. To use our juicer 6 times a day to make fresh juice wasn't going to be practical. We juiced once every other day. The juices can stay fresh up to 3 days. We had some old Kombucha bottles we cleaned and sanitized. Each bottle held 16 ounces of juice. 3 bottles was enough juice for one person for 1 day. We filled kombucha bottles and also an entire 70 ounce pitcher full of juice, which lasted us about 2 days.

Juice Recipes:
You can get creative! Our general rule is to juice by color. This isn't necessary, but when you start mixing green with orange with purple, the juices come out pretty unappetizing looking. For the green juices, we generally use 4 heads of kale, some apple and cucumber.

Juicing can be VERY expensive, especially when you're juicing organic juices. Use juicy fruits and vegetables to stretch out your juices. Cucumber, celery,
4 Grapefruit
4 Oranges
16 Carrots

Overall, Mike and I lost a combined weight of 25 pounds. He went from 175 pounds to 160 and I went from 120 pounds to 110. We haven't weight that little since middle school and we have been pretty fit out entire lives. It's been almost 4 weeks since the fast and we both have gained about 7 pounds back. However, we can tell that a lot of the fat we lost was water/fat. I have gained back muscle as I am starting to work out again. By the end of the juice fast, I was tiny and a bit weak. I'm not as tiny anymore. However, I will take healthy and strong over tiny and weak any day!

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for checking in our blog and don't forget to subscribe for more tips and recipes on healthy green living. Peace, love and abundance friends!

Before & After - 10 Pounds Lost! 3 Inches off Waist!

Before and After - 15 Pounds Lost!


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